Thursday, March 22, 2012


Many types of alcoholic beverages are considered as gluten free. Grape made armagnac, beers made of buckwheat, sorghum, rice, corn, etc which are gluten free. Distillation process removes protein as well as gluten and that’s why most distilled whiskeys are maybe gluten free. Tequila, sherry, port, rum, cider, vermouth, mead, cider, brandy, wine, etc, these spirits are made without grain and do not contain gluten. When malted barley or wheat are used to brew beers and will contain gluten.
Gluten is used as a clarifying agent in some vineyards so coeliacs should exercise caution on choosing beverage. Many people diagnosed with celiac disease still experience symptoms when drinking distilled alcoholic beverages, so it is advised that a person with celiac disease check with a manufacturer about the ingredients. Some says amino acids are produced when brewing the proteins from barley or wheat and thus these beverages are gluten free, but it proved wrong.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012


Gluten: "Dextrin" is used as a food additive for flavoring, thickening which is a protein commonly known as Gluten.
Gluten free means a meal that excludes gluten from its component.
Why gluten free: For Celiac diseases like dermatitis herpetiformis and wheat allergy, the only medically treatment is a gluten free food product. In a gluten free meal gluten is not fully removed, it is only decreased in a harmless level of gluten. But the harmless level of gluten is uncertain and controversial. So, Gluten free level varies in places and countries, in the United States, the FDA issued regulations in 2007 limiting the use of "gluten-free" in food products to those with less than 20 ppm of gluten. International Codex Alimentarius standard allows for 20 ppm of gluten in so called "Gluten free" foods.
Gluten Free foods: Corn, potatoes, rice are considered as acceptable for a gluten free diet. Tapioca is also a gluten free food. These are all grains, starch source and frequently used. Other grains and starch sources generally considered suitable for gluten free diets include yam, taro, teff, chia seed, lupin, montia, quinoa, millet, arrowroot, amaranth and sorghum(jowar). Bean, soybean, nut flours are protein and dietary fiber which are sometimes used in gluten free products. With a low glycemic index, almond flour is a low-carbohydrate alternative to flour.
Forethought: Pure buckwheat products is considered acceptable for a gluten free diet, though it is called buckwheat, it's not related to buckwheat. But many commercial buckwheat products are actually mixtures of wheat and buckwheat flours, so it is not acceptable. Gram flour, derived from chickpeas, is also gluten-free (this is not the same as Graham flour made from wheat).The ingredients of any over-the-counter or prescription medications and vitamins contains gluten. Gluten is also used in foods in some unexpected ways, for example as a stabilizing agent or thickener in products like ice-cream and ketchup. Also, cosmetics such as lipstick, lip balms, and lip gloss may contain gluten and need to be investigated before use. Glues used on envelopes may also contain gluten.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

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